On September 20th, the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce will hold a hearing focused on America's supply chain vulnerabilities and potential solutions, titled "Mapping America's Supply Chains: Solutions to Unleash Innovation, Boost Economic Resilience, and Beat China". Notably, Bitcoin is emerging as an unexpected yet crucial element in reimagining resilient supply chains, an agenda passionately supported by the Digital Power Network (DPN).

The dialogue surrounding Bitcoin often centers on its value as a digital currency or medium of exchange. However, an overlooked aspect is Bitcoin mining's potential in driving forward an energy-efficient and secure semiconductor industry right here in the U.S. U.S. semiconductor manufacturing has faced a real crisis. The U.S. share of global chip manufacturing has eroded, from 37% in 1990 to 12% in 2020, while mainland China’s share has gone from nearly 0% to 15% in the same timeframe. By harnessing American innovation in the Bitcoin space, there is an opportunity to onshore this manufacturing for both national security and economic resilience.

How and who? Enter Auradine, a leading figure in this transformative space and member of the Digital Power Network (DPN). Their submitted testimony at the Subcommittee hearing will illuminate how they are delivering leading edge semiconductor-based solutions for Bitcoin mining to illuminate how Bitcoin mining can serve as the catalyst for reviving semiconductor production domestically. Their forward-thinking approach encapsulates the vision of reshaping America's supply chain while ensuring it remains both robust and agile in the face of unforeseen challenges.

DPN's involvement in this discourse is pivotal. As the leading advocate for Bitcoin miners and innovative energy policies, DPN champions the use of digital assets, like Bitcoin, to drive real change in policy. By aligning with trailblazers like Auradine, DPN is not only voicing the interests of its members but also paving the way for America to lead in the digital energy revolution.

Tomorrow’s hearing is a testament to the intersections of policy, technology, and security. With Bitcoin's untapped potential, Auradine's leadership, and DPN's relentless advocacy, we are witnessing the dawning of a new era where America's supply chains are not just restored but reinvented for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

Congressional Hearing