January 31st, 2024  
U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works  
Hearing entitled Avoiding, Detecting, and Capturing Methane Emissions from Landfills. 

Tia Scarpelli, Ph.D. 
Research Scientist and Waste Lead 
Carbon Mapper 

Tom Frankiewicz 
Subject Matter Expert, Waste Methane 
Rocky Mountain Institute 

 Anne Germain P.E., BCEE 
Chief Operating Officer & SVP of Regulatory Affairs 
National Waste & Recycling Association 

Key Points from the Hearing:  

  • Scale of the Problem: The discussion opened with an emphasis on the dramatic rise in atmospheric methane concentrations over the last few centuries, pointing out methane's significant impact as a greenhouse gas, approximately 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide. The narrative brought to light the fact that landfill methane emissions are the third largest source of such emissions both in the U.S. and globally, highlighting the lack of widespread awareness about this pressing environmental issue. 

  • Supporting Necessary Technologies: The importance of adopting technology to mitigate landfill emissions was stressed, alongside the benefits of composting and waste diversion. Innovative methods and technologies were identified as key to significantly reducing emissions across the nation. Dr. Tia Scarpelli from Carbon Mapper detailed the primary sources of methane emissions from landfills and emphasized the role of available technologies and advanced monitoring in managing these emissions more efficiently and cost-effectively. 

  • Economic Opportunity and Methane Reduction: The hearing also covered the dual benefits of addressing landfill emissions, including the positive impacts on climate, air quality, and public health, alongside the potential for generating economic opportunities, particularly in rural areas. Tom Frankiewicz of the Rocky Mountain Institute highlighted the job creation potential of investing in waste management, noting that higher levels of the waste hierarchy are associated with even more job creation. 

The committee's discussion underscored the urgency of tackling methane emissions from landfills through technological innovation and improved management practices. Expert testimonies provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges and potential strategies for mitigating one of the significant sources of methane emissions, with an emphasis on the environmental and economic advantages of such efforts.